Thursday, 29 January 2009

Town Litter Pick

We held a litter pick on the afternoon of Saturday 24th January. A brilliant total of 15 members attended & we picked 7 bags of litter around the Town Centre area. Including Webbs Lane, St Michaels Way, St Annes Road, White Horse Alley & part of Lewin Street.

The photograph shows Middlewich Clean Team members and children from all over the town ready to go out and help make Middlewich a nicer place to be.

MCT Secretary Maxine Wrench commented "We are really pleased to make Middlewich people aware that we do pick litter & always with a positive attitude!".

Tuesday, 20 January 2009

Community Crime Fighters

Today some of the committee members of the Middlewich Clean Team attended a Community Crime Fighters training day in Birmingham. This doesn't mean the MCT is taking over crime fighting in Middlewich! It's about how we can work alongside, or challenge criminal justice services when they fall short, by knowing what services to expect from the criminal justice system, how best to help others or get things changed for the better.

The photograph shows Middlewich Clean Team participants in the course with Louise Casey (centre front), Director General, Neighbourhood Crime and Justice Group.

The course was part of the Ministry of Justice Community Crime Fighters scheme and the content of the course was very much influenced by a Cabinet Office review "Engaging Communities in Fighting Crime" which was completed in June 2008.

Monday, 19 January 2009

Grassroots Grant

Pictured are Janet Chisholm and Stephen Dent with Councillor Rab Parry (centre), 

Chairman of the Grassroots Grant Committee at a ceremony to celebrate Cheshire organisations which have been successful in obtaining grant funding. The event was held on 19 January 2009 at the Offices of Cheshire Community Action in the presence of the Lord and Lady Mayoress of Chester.

Thursday, 1 January 2009

New Year's Day Treasure Hunt

On New Years Day there was the usual Treasure Hunt around Middlewich. Sue Bailey who is organised the event this year and has kindly decided that the charity the money will be donated to Middlewich Clean Team. Friends and families gathered at the Boars head at 1.00pm and set off to enjoy the fun.

MCT members turned out too and of course had their litter pickers with them to carry out some picking on route.

It was quite a cold day so a soup & bread roll reward on completion was most welcome.

Organiser Sue Bailey was joined by Trish Ednie to carry out the administration and marking. 

With 22 teams involved that kept them very busy indeed. Eventually they were able to announce the winning team as "Spend Your Way Out Of The Credit Crunch" and the runners up were "The Dirty Team".

£177.00 was raised in favour of the MCT for which we are most grateful.