
2020 Events - January to April

2019 Events - September to December

February 2019

Monday 25th, Harvester pub
Meet at 2pm


Saturday 9th, Townbridge car park/The White Bear
Meet at 2pm

Monday 18th, Morrisons
Meet at 2pm


Saturday 6th, Kings Lock pub - Keep Britain tidy great British spring clean event
Meet at 2pm

Monday 29th, Starbucks
Meet at 2pm


Saturday 11th, Harverster pub (covering Centurion Way/Total People/Kings Street)
Meet at 2pm

Monday 20th, Townbridge car park/Kinderton House Hotel
Meet at 2pm


Saturday 1st, The Big Lock pub
Meet at 2pm

MIddlewich FAB 13th-16th
Volunteers Wanted
Please contact us

Monday 17th, Townbridge Car Park/The White Bear
Meet at 2pm


Starudat 6th, Turnpike pub
Meet at 2pm

Monday 22nd, Morrisons
Meet at 2pm



Each pick last around an hour. Dates and venues are subject to change, please check social media and our news pages here to confirm.

January 2019

Saturday 12th Jan 2019 at The Big Lock Pub

Monday 28th Jan 2019 meet Townbridge car park then refreshments in The Kinderton House Hotel

2pm as usual


Litter Picks January to April 2017

Monday 9th January............Tesco CARPARK
Saturday 21st January.........Total People (near traffic lights over the bridge on King St.)

Monday 6th February.......... Town Bridge CARPARK
Saturday 18th February....... Warmingham Lane/ Long Lane little CARPARK

Saturday 4th March............. Great British Spring Clean 2017
Monday 6th March............... Morrisons CARPARK
Saturday 25th March........... Kings Lock CARPARK

Monday 3rd April................. Big Lock CARPARK
Saturday 22nd April............. Turnpike CARPARK

All picks are for one hour only - starting at 2.00pm.

Great British Spring Clean 2017
We will be doing a big litter pick on Saturday, 4th March starting 2pm at Town Bridge. This will take place as part of our contribution to Keep Britain Tidy’s National Campaign.



September to December 2016

Litter Pick dates are also listed on our Facebook Events Page.