Saturday, 23 June 2018

Litter Pick Reminder Monday 25th June

Hello Team😍
Don’t forget we are meeting up at Big Tesco 2pm on Monday for an hour of litter picking around town 💚
We look forward to seeing you all there 🌈🚮🌻

Monday, 18 June 2018

FAB weekend 2018

Another great team effort at this years FAB! Anyone who volunteered with Clean Team over the weekend has been invited to attend a thank you evening on Monday 25th June at The Wych Centre 😍

Tuesday, 5 June 2018

***News June 2018***

We had another good turnout and a warm welcome at The Turnpike Pub last Saturday. Cledford area was the focus of our efforts and as usual the team filled many bags for Ansa to collect 😊

We also had a new member who is definitely set to be a star litter picker! Evie Moores age 7 took it upon herself to litter pick St Ann's Road and the park on Stallard Way 😍 

Regardless of a few older children laughing at her efforts she carried on and did a fantastic job! Thank you Evie! 💚